
WennText Eszter Molnár is your language service provider based in Potsdam/Germany.

WennText offers proofreading, copy editing, copywriting, and translation services to students,
firms, and partner agencies in three languages: English, German, and Hungarian.

I am looking forward to aiding you in realizing your future projects by offering my excellent
language skills, my communicative approach, and my professional accuracy.
I hope to hear from you soon!


Grammar, structure, bibliography


I have a sense for the mood, the tone and the rhythm of three languages.


Let me describe You!



Eszter Molnár
Magistra Artium

M. A. in English and German Literary, Film and Cultural Studies, native speaker of German and Hungarian.


“Miss Molnár has to be complimented on her translation skills. Her ability to explore the subject at hand in depth is more than extraordinary.”

Sven Maletzki, Management, etalon GmbH